Gold Rush Narrative

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Bryan Gates ENG 101 Mr. Ric Hoeben December 3, 2013 A Day In The Life It all started on a cold January day in 1848 when the sounds of ‘eureka’ filled the mountain air. A farmer by the name of James Marshall found six shiny, golf ball sized rocks on the bank of the American river near Coloma, California. Mr. Marshall had his rocks tested and the results would change the United States forever. James Marshall made the first discovery of gold that would start the California gold rush. Stories of the gold rush fortunes have always been fascinating to me. So one summer day I decided to try my luck at gold prospecting. I did a little research and found a great spot close to my house on the South Yuba River near Grass Valley,…show more content…
They got closer and closer until I came upon a breathtaking pool deep in the California backcountry. I said hello and to my surprise neither one of them had any clothes on. Awkward but not very uncommon for this area. I quickly proceeded up the trail for a more secluded spot. I traveled about two or three more miles until I came upon an old, dilapidated miners shack or shanty as they were commonly called during the gold rush. The shanty looked as if it had been abandoned for centuries. There were no signs of mining anywhere close so I thought this would be a good place to start. Gold is a very heavy metal so it takes a little topographical knowledge to find areas where gold would wash off the mountain side and settle. I found a great crevice filled with black sand and gravel so I decided this would be the perfect location to start digging. I dug a massive hole and began to pan my pay dirt. Every pan that I swirled with river water was teeming with fine gold flakes. Definitely not striking it rich but fun none the…show more content…
I apologized and told him I would pack up and leave. He replied, “I’m Miner Matt. Yourself?” I said “Bryan. Nice to meet you Miner Matt.” “You find any gold?” he mumbled.” Not much, but I will show you what I found.” So I pulled out my small vial of gold flakes and handed it to him. He laughed hysterically and replied, “Do you want to see the gold I found today?” I sure would. He pulled out an old plastic snifter out of his backpack and poured the contents into a rusty, metal gold pan. It sounded like hail hitting a tin roof! I was blown away! There must have been two ounces in his pan worth around three thousand

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