Gnt1 Task 2

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GNT1 task 2 As Mr. Trosack’s case manager there are three healthcare issues that must be addressed before determining a discharge plan for the patient. First and foremost, the patient’s apartment is on the second floor. This proved to be a catastrophic element pre-operatively. Post-operatively, it poses even more problems. Not only is it dangerous for the patient to try and maneuver his walker up and down the stairs, it will also be painful. Since the patient lives alone and has limited contact with his son, he risks becoming completely isolated. He also jointly runs a bakery, which is located on the first floor of his apartment building, with his brother Karl. Therefore, Karl will be unavailable to help since he will be busy with the business and will not be receiving any help from Mr. Trosack. The apartment is also small and cluttered with spaces not suited for a walker. With garbage disposal being on the first floor, there is a possibility that an excess of garbage in the apartment will lead to a pest infestation. Secondly, there’s the fact that the patient doesn’t seem like he will be compliant with his new medication and nutrition regimen. He already states that he doesn’t like taking the medication and appears to not understand the importance of them either. Since family is unavailable to assist, this leaves Mr. Trosack on his own. Thirdly, being a non-insulin diabetic, the patient must have access to healthy food choices in his apartment since his mobility will be limited. It was stated by the patient that he eats most of his meals in the bakery. This will not be the case if he returns home. How will he get groceries? Again, he will not have any assistance available on a daily basis since he and the family have refused a nurse on site. In deciding on an appropriate discharge plan for this patient several people need to be a part of the

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