Gladiatorial Games Essay

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ROMAN GLADIATORIAL GAMES Gladiatorial games became a way of life for many during times of peace in Rome. Originally based on religious and funeralistic traditions of sacrificing slaves and prisoners of war to certain Deities, or by honoring a deceased relative, these games rapidly evolved into large scale brutal and barbaric shows which were created as a means to entertain the masses of Rome in later years. In the article "Murderous Games," authored by Keith Hopkins, we become aware of a Roman empire driven by a lust of blood sport, which created a series of gladiatorial "Games," roughly starting from 264 BC until at least the second century A.D. The first gladiatorial combats therefore, took place at the graves of those being honored, but once they became public spectacles they moved into Amphitheaters. Amphitheaters, from which these games took place, were designed and built to seat tens of thousands of blood thirsty spectators. Not only was the Amphitheaters used as a place for entertainment of such brutal games, it was also a place of social standing, politics, public punishment, martyrdom, and other recreational carnage activities. As for the gladiators themselves, an aura of religious sacrifice continued to hang about their combats. During these games countless men, animals, and even women, were slaughtered for mere entertainment. People cheered at the sight of limbs being torn by ravenous lions, the burning of a Christian at the stake, the slicing of another Gladiators throat, or whatever blood that was spilt in the Arena. Obviously most spectators just enjoyed the massacre without any remorseful reflections. Fighting in these Arenas, many Gladiators considered death an honor and funeral rite. Becoming a Gladiator and fighting in
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