Tradition In Shirley Jackson's The Lottery

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In the short story "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson, one of the themes is that some traditions that society follows have a negative effect and can be harmful. In society today we have beneficial traditions as well as deleterious and atrocious traditions. In Spain, the bill is one of the most important symbols of the country. One even sees massive billboards on the side of the road dedicated to the bull. Although the bull, a symbol of Spain is not a topic of controversy; the festivals involving this animal most certainly are. Among them, the well known bullfight. The tradition of bullfighting started as long ago as 711AD. Although many have praised this spectacle, just as many have denounced the practice of killing a bull as a form of culture.…show more content…
Along with the two hundred fifty thousand bull killed every year thousands of horses are killed during the fight against the bull. The horses are gored by the pain-crazed bulls. While the horse is being stabbed by the bull, the entrails of the horse are commonly spread upon the dirt floor. Occasionally even a matador finds himself in the grip of the bull's horns, being injured or even killed. In 2010, famed matador Julio Aparicio was gored in the throat by a bull during the festival of saint Isidro. The horn went through Julio's neck and throat, then went through his throat. Julio bled out on the arena's floor. Since record have been kept in 1700 fifty-two matadors have been killed and countless injuries have occurred. Bullfighting is just too dangerous a practice for humans to justify. While some customs posses a positive effect, some customs also posses a negative effect and can even be inhumane. Two examples include the custom of stoning portrayed in Shirley Jackson's short story "The Lottery" and the practice of bullfighting seen in Spanish influenced countries around the world. Bullfighting should be brought to and end because of the violent and cruel nature, the use of murder as entertainment, and due to the potential harm and even death to all parties involved. Society today does not have room for barbaric traditions such as

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