Gju Bhjib Kbkb

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1.03 Scientific method Katherine wants to investigate if the time of day a plant is watered affects the growth of the plant. She hypothesizes that a plant watered in the morning will grow faster than a plant watered at other times of the day. 1. Identify the specific independent and dependent variables that will be involved in an experiment to test this hypothesis. Independent: Plant being watered in the morning. Dependent: Other plants being watered different times of the day. 2. List at least five variables that should be controlled during the experiment. For each variable identified, give a specific suggestion for how it can be controlled during the experiment. Plants being in different environments such as a plant indoors and outdoors. Plants being in different light such as sunlight and natural light. Plants being in different temperatures. The amount of water each plant gets and when it gets these amounts. The type of soil used. My experiment: my problem was that I wanted my fingernails to dry faster so that I could carry on with my activities like typing and texting. So I conducted an experiment. I wanted to see if they would dry faster from air on the hot setting on my hair dryer or the cold setting. My hypothesis is that if I dry my nails from air on the cool setting it will dry faster than the warm setting in 5 minutes. I researched how warm and cool air affects moisture online. I did three trials on hot for 5 minutes and three trials on cool. In my conclusion I found out my hypothesis was correct, my nails were substantially drier in 5 minutes of the cool air

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