George Throop's Motivation In The Classroom

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Abstract This paper explores the reasoning behind the motivation that leads George Throop to walk thousands of miles across America. He has one ultimate goal in mind during his walk and that is to inspire Americans to get up and walk for a healthier life. He walks in honor of his late mother who died of cancer. His goal is to try to inspire Americans to walk just twenty minutes a day as he walks twenty miles a day. My paper also touches on my own aspect of my own subjectivity might impact my role as a teacher. Today’s classroom is a constant challenge for teachers and a teacher must be very careful as to how much of their own subjectivity is displayed in a classroom. Walk of Inspiration George Throop is…show more content…
They wanted attention and they wanted to be shown love. They excelled so much more when I showed them that I was proud of what they were doing and praised them for their efforts. However, their actions were not always “pleasing”. But there are positive ways of teaching a child right from wrong. Yelling is not the right way to teach a child that they just did something wrong. When you explain to a child in a positive yet strict way that their actions were not pleasing, they perceive the information so much better than when being yelled at. Just like with my own children, I always reassured my classroom children that even though they made a bad decision, I still love them. The challenge didn’t come from my own classroom, the challenges came from the guardians. Through our program, we had to have several “workshops” with the guardians each year. It was always hard to try to teach a grown person set in their ways that yelling at their child, was not the correct way of discipline. When working in today’s public school systems, often times, actions get scrutinized too much. Telling a child that you love them might cause someone to raise their brow. Children need praise and love. However, there is a fine line to be drawn. I believe we all like to be encouraged, no matter if your 4 or 40. Luckily, the school I worked for believed the same way I…show more content…
(n.d.). Enjoy the Walk-Story. Enjoy the Walk. Retrieved June 6, 2012 from The following three paragraphs are used for reference only. Page two summary is based on the following paragraphs: “Since at least 1 in 3 cancer deaths is preventable, this means that millions of Americans have died of cancer unnecessarily in recent years. Several million have died unnecessarily since my mother's 1985 death from cancer. We can take many steps in our daily lives toward preventing the risk of deadly cancers. Amongst these steps, finding time for quality daily exercise is huge. So, my mission is to walk twenty miles daily - across America - in the hopes of inspiring you to WALK 20 MINUTES TODAY! You'll be happy when you take steps forward for yourself, and by taking positive steps to prevent cancer, you'll be rewarded to learn that these very same steps also decrease your risk of other debilitating and deadly diseases. Such exercise strengthens your body, and establishes great momentum into wonderful changes awaiting you as you continue your experience of life here on

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