Geography Colonialism Notes

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Geography Midterm Study Guide Key Concepts& Definitions (Make sure to use Case Study and Examples to Backup Argument) Political versus Apolitical Ecology Political Ecology: The study of the relationships between political, economic and social factors with environmental issues and changes. Political ecology differs from apolitical ecological studies by politicizing environmental issues and phenomena. Apolitical Ecology: Four Main Theses of Political Ecology: • Degradation and Marginalization Thesis The thesis is basically this: because of state intervention and development of land in various different cases, systems of land and farming undergo radical changes that usually result in an exploitation of resources. Communities become marginalized as the same forces challenge the existing structures of governance and operation in each community. The two standout case studies in Robbins were deforestation in the Amazon and banana farming in the Caribbean. What is important to note is that while degradation and marginalization can be applied to the causes of extreme deforestation in the the Amazonian forest (with some critiques of course) the same results that might foster a label of degradation and marginalization had little or nothing to do with the shortage of food produced in Grossman's Carribean. In that second case, cash crops did not have an effect on the community in the same way. • Environmental Conflict Thesis The argument that the environmental degradation will lead to conflict. The theory that wars will be fought over scarce environmental resources. The contention that environmental degradation will lead to wars and violence. • Conservation and Control Thesis • Environmental Identity and Social Movement Thesis Different Explanations of the Mayan Collapse Role of Native Allies in Colonial Conquest La Mita Encomienda
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