Gender Inequality Essay

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Global Perspectives on Gender Inequality Derrick M. Wilder BUS 499 – Strategic Management Prof Michael Bijani 04.27.12 Abstract We examine what gender inequality is, how it was spawned, and how it adversely affects both men and women globally in the sectors of Income, Education, and Politics. The aforementioned disparity is one in which has been publicly reverberated globally for decades. The topics that will be discussed in this paper are just the tip of the iceberg of mistreatments practiced globally, as well as, in our own country. However, I will try to delineate, with great precision, the socially constructed injustices that women (more so than men) had to endure. This paper will give you a high level account of some of the sociological factors that cause women not to be truly accepted and recognized as equals to their male counterparts. Gender Inequality Defined Gender inequality refers to the obvious or hidden disparity between individuals due to gender. However, in order to understand gender inequality and the impact it has on creating disparities in both the domestic and private sphere, we must first understand its origin. Oftentimes, society depicts distorted, contradictory, biased images of women. These constructed biases have proven most threatening for women by defining and relegating them to their own agency or bodies and systematically keeping women “in their places.” This is due largely in part because; historically men have shaped the society in which we live. I will try to give you a high level detail of how such a disparity is given credence in other countries, particularly developing countries. You will find that gender roles are developed at the socialization phase of a child’s life, therefore, making it extremely easy for men and women to follow such prescribed, engendered roles. The defining of these roles
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