Synthesis Paper

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Ignorance What causes cross-cultural conflicts? In the articles “Sex and Gender” by William Thompson and Joseph Hickey, “Sex, Lies, and Conversation” by Deborah Tannen, and “Identity in Transformation” by Yasmin Ahmed, each will explore the many obstacles people face in their lives and demonstrate how clashes among different cultures are caused by assumptions manifested from expectations. In “Sex and Gender,” William Thompson and Joseph Hickey explain the differences between sex and gender. Most altercations come from the differences in terms of sex and gender that aren’t clear to others, ”Sex is based on biological and physical differences between females and males; gender refers to a cultural understanding of what constitutes masculinity and femininity in a society” (285). Sex is established by genetics whereas gender is shaped by ones particular society at particular times. In society we all learn to fulfill our gender roles, “Masculinity refers to attributes considered appropriate for males. In American society, these traditionally include being aggressive, athletic, physically active, logical, and dominate in social relationships with females. Conversely, femininity refers to attributes traditionally associated with appropriate behavior for females, which in America include passivity, docility, fragility, emotionality, and subordination to males” (286). Men are more inclined to be goal -oriented using assertive strategies to establish power and status. On the other spectrum, females are thought of as more sensitive, in touch with their own and other’s feelings, supportive, inclusive, and inferior when interacting with males. In “Sex, Lies and Conversation,” Deborah Tannen breaks down why couples tend to have communication issues. A shared issue women commonly face is the feeling that,”…intimacy is the fabric of
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