Fundamentals of Art

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The following is a basic list of the definitions, explanations, descriptions and expectations and assignments concerning the principles of art. The following are the principles of art: balance, movement, rhythm, contrast, emphasis, pattern, and unity. These principles along with the elements (line, shape, form color, value, texture and space) help to unify and give visual order to a work of art. The elements and principles are always used in combination and therefore work together to create a composition with a good design. As you admire the way the artist painted such a realistic scene, you should not limit your attention to the subject matter alone. The elements become the "tools" of an artwork while the principles become the "rules" of an artwork. The following is a list of definitions of the principles of art: •

Fundamentals of Art (Dual Credit-Art 122) Principles

Balance refers to the visual distribution of weight in a work of art.

In a painting is the visual “equilibrium” of the elements that causes the total image to appear balanced. Balance can be either symmetrical or asymmetrical in a work of art. Asymmetrical artwork is when the elements on both sides of a central vertical line appear to be about equal in shape, weight, value and color. Symmetrical balance is also referred to as either classical balance or formal balance. Asymmetrical balance is when two sides of an artwork are different and yet appear to be in balance. For example when a larger group of people are sitting quietly a smaller shape of active birds in flight, they are in asymmetrical balance. Another term for asymmetrical balance is informal balance. Value balance is present when a small light value shape and a larger medium shape is on a medium value background. Color balance is present when a smaller intense and a larger neutral color are on a neutral background. Shape balance

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