The Functions of Society

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Sociology, the scientific study of social structure, is a study that is beneficial to everyone. Studying the interaction between social structure and the individual can assist in a better comprehension of how societies in our world function. There are three major theoretical perspectives applied to sociology today. These three perspectives are functionalism, the conflict perspective, and symbolic interactionism. All of the mentioned perspectives not only help in studying a society, they also apply to everyone living today. Functionalism mostly deals with the contributions that are performed by each part of a society. Pars of society range from economy, to religion, and even family. When all of the parts of society contribute equally, the result is the society to being relatively integrated as a whole. A functionalist society is like a working clock. When all the pieces work together, the clock becomes a stable working machine. A dynamic equilibrium, or a constantly changing balance among the different parts of society, is proof that a functionalism based society aims to seek relative stability. When a society is stable, its members are free to think about how to make the society prosper and grow, or survive. When all parts of society work together to contribute to the society’s well-being it is most likely based on functionalism. In order for the society to contribute equally, there has to be some sort of consensus among the members for the society to do well. Functionalism is one of the more appealing theoretical perspectives since it is based on social integration, stability, order, and cooperation. However, other perspectives seem to differ significantly. The Conflict Perspective focuses on conflict, competition, change, and constraint within a society. Unlike the functionalism perspective, a society based on the conflict theory experiences
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