Functions and Types of Hotels

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FUNCTIONS AND TYPES OF HOTELS Introduction - the Functions of Hotels There are many different types of hotels. They cater for - or serve - different types of customers - which in this case are called ‘hotel guests’ - and we consider many of them in this Training Program. All hotels, however, have one common function, which is: To provide accommodation. In the hotel context, the word ‘accommodation’ means a place to stay, and especially a place in which to sleep, that is, a “lodging place”. In addition to a room in which to sleep, furniture - and particularly a bed - will be provided, as will wash/bathing facilities and toilet facilities. Some hotels provide accommodation for long-staying guests, sometimes called “permanent residents”. But the majority of hotels provide accommodation for relatively short-staying and temporary residents, and a very large proportion of such people are ‘travellers’. By “travellers” we mean those who are away from their “homes” - the places where they normally reside. With the exception of commercial travellers and others whose occupations require them to be constantly “on the move”, most people live the greater part of the year at home. In the course of their daily lives most people leave their homes quite often for one reason or another: to go shopping, to go to work, to attend educational and/or training classes, to visit friends and relations, to engage in sporting activities or for recreation, and so on; the reasons can be many and varied. But, in general, they return to their homes at night. However, more and more people are spending part of the year “away from home” - on business, on holidays/vacations, or for other reasons - and many of them stay in hotels whilst they are away from home. Many travellers require more from hotels than accommodation alone; they have other needs or wants to be provided

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