Freedom Among Immigrants

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Introduction Freedom is so much part of American life that Americans take it often for granted. Freedom in general and individual freedom in particular is the most highly-valued word for Americans. Freedom of the individual is probably the most basic and the most strongly held of all American beliefs. This is one of the main reasons why immigrants have traditionally come to the USA. I-Individual Freedom and Self-reliance A-The Desire for Freedom From Controls The earliest settlers came to the North American continent to establish colonies whish were free from the controls that existed at that time in European countries (political controls (kings…) , religious controls (churches…) and class controls (Noblemen and aristocrats…). And to a…show more content…
Nevertheless, the USA society is not a classless society, but there is no ruling class of noblemen. Those measures taken by the earliest settlers have had a profound effect in the shaping of the American character; By limiting the power the government and the churches and by eliminating a formal aristocracy, they have created a climate of freedom where the emphasis has been put on the individual regardless his class. And very soon, the US has come to be associated with the concept of individual freedom. B-Price for Individual Freedom: Self-reliance Freedom of the individual is probably the most basic and the most strongly held of all American beliefs. But do Americans mean by the word ‘freedom’? By freedom, Americans mean the desire and the ability of all individuals to control their own destiny without outside interference of any organized authority (the government, a church, a ruling class, parents,…). Americans believe that individuals must learn to rely on themselves, otherwise they risk to lose their most cherished value: freedom. 1-Financial and emotional…show more content…
Many thought that they, indeed, had a better chance to succeed in the United States than in the Old Country. And because millions of those immigrants succeeded, Americans came to believe in equality of opportunity. B-Price for Equality of Opportunity: Competition 1- Chance to be equal but not the right It is important to understand what Americans mean when they say they believe in equality. First of all, it is equality of opportunity; they do not mean that everyone is or should be equal. The only equality they believe in is equality before the law, and the rest is equality of opportunity. They mean that each individual should have/ be given an equal chance for success. 2- Life seen as a competitive race for success Most Americans see life as a race for success. For them, equality means that everyone should have equal chance to enter / participate in the race and, of course, to win if they are the best. In other words, equality of opportunity may be thought of as an ethical rule, this ideal of equality of opportunity helps insure that the race for success is a fair one and that the person does not win just because he/she was born into a wealthy family. 3-Competition is a
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