Is Meritocracy a Myth? (Not Very Good)

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Is a Meritocracy a myth? Meritocracy is the die oaf a system were an individual can thrive on their merits and how well they have done or how much they have tried. Meritocracies are meant to be more equal and mean that people don't thrive according to their 'cultural capital', this means that regardless of your background or who you know you should, in theory, be able to succeed on your Merits. America very famously claims to be a meritocracy claiming that anyone can 'make it' in America, in dispute of it being one of the most intolerant & most judgemental countries as far as education, race, class, money and in some cases gender are concerned. It can be argued that a one day there will be a society like this but so far we are yet to discover a society that is this way. But how could humans ever live in a meritocracy, because the first action we have as humans is to judge someone, we measure then up, smell them, look at the condition of their hair and face and clothes, and we do all this in split seconds without even realising we automatically make judgements and we advance the judgements by justifying them by relating them to not only their past but their family. A Meritocracy would be a society were no one judges anyone for their money or looks, gender or family. In an ideal marxist world they would argue this is possible by giving everyone equal opportunities and equal wages and equal almost everything. This is a nice idea but as we have discovered despite communism being a very good idea and having some solid arguments for the time being it can only be a theory, because human nature is to want more that we have, so until a system can be figured out then we are stuck with capitalism, and the whole idea of capitalism is that you can thrive on your achievements but then so do your family. Realistically is you have millions of pounds are you really
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