Free Tuition Cons Speech Public Forum Debate

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FREE TUITION CONS SPEECH My partner and I negate the resolution “Resolved: In the United States, students should be guaranteed two years of free tuition to a community or technical college.” Three terms shall be defined as according to the Oxford Dictionary. Should is defined as obligation, duty, or correctness. Community college is defined as a nonresidential junior college offering courses to people living in a particular area. Technical college is defined as a college providing courses in a range of practical subjects including but not limited to information technology and agriculture. Providing free tuition to students will require funding from some source other than the students themselves. In the context of this resolution, it is logical to presume that the U.S. government will be the source of this funding. Let it be noted that the two sides of this argument should not be arguing liberal versus conservative ideology. This debate must be dominated by factual evidence in order for either side to support its stance on the resolution. Based on the preceding framework, my partner and I must factually prove that it is incorrect for the U.S. government to provide students with two years of free tuition to a community or technical college in order to satisfy the resolution and win this debate. Contention 1: Providing two years of free tuition creates redundancy in aid for needy students In a perfect world, no student would ever have to pay for any sort of tuition, anywhere. However, we do not live in a perfect world and are faced with the trouble that is financing education. Providing two years of free tuition to every student attending community or technical college in America would be costly, with estimates reaching 26 billion dollars per year[1][2], assuming that neither the cost of tuition nor the number of students attending 2 year colleges increases past the
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