Free from Fear

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Economic/Political Analysis -Are the poor and the wealthy equally concerned about the “freedom from fear”? Compare and contrast both speeches to answer this question.- From President Franklins Roosevelts speech and Barack Obamas speech, the poor and wealthy people are fairly concerned about “freedome of fear.” There are quite a few things that a lot of people in this world are in fear of. President also said in his speech that we shouldn’t fear anything, but fear itself. It also, doesnt mean if you are not as rich in this world as others around you, you can not do the things wealthy people do to improve in the world. President Franklin Roosevelt also said in one of his speeches that, you dont have to be rich to be happy in life, happiness in life comes from accomplishment. I think that’s excatly correct what President pointed out in his speech, because you can be rich and depressed or not as wealthy and happy. Money is not what brings happinessand succes into your life, some poor people can be happier and more thankful for what they already have than rich people being unhappy and unthankful. Also, we might fear of not being as successful and wealthy as others in life. You might whatch as other finish high school and get their diploma and are already in the most rich universitie in your town and you are just afraid to pick up your dream of being in their place too. They fear as much as you do, they just dont let their fear mess up their future dreams and plans. Being happy in life stands on living free from frear. Obama said in his speech that he was right that many people let fear rule their future and then they just give up and that takes their entire
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