Economic/Political Analysis: Freedom From Fear

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Economic/Political Analysis

Are the poor and the wealthy equally concerned about the “freedom from fear”? Compare and contrast both speeches to answer this question.

Unlike President Obama in President Roosevelt's speech the poor and wealthy are equally concerned about the “freedom of fear.”
Truth be told, there are many things in this world that a lot of people may fear, the dark may witness one of your darkest secrets. According to Theodore Roosevelt “We don't have to fear anything in this world, but fear itself” so lets not sit back and wait on someone to take action first just because you're not as wealthy as others don't mean you can't have any contributions in this world. In one of Roosevelt's speeches he said “You don't have to have money to be happy happiness comes from achievement“ which was absolutely right, money don't bring you happiness, because you can be as depressed as people without money.
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Maybe because we;re too afraid to live up to our dreams afraid that we might fail and never be able to pick ourselves up, so instead we just give up on everything we believe in such as going to college or maybe drop out of High School, We stand by and watch as the ones closer to us get their high school diplomas and go on to college to make something out of themselves but do that mean they don't have fear? No, they have as much fear as the next person but they don't let their fear get in the way of their future. “Pursuing happiness requires living free from fear” so maybe when Obama said this he was right because many of us let our fear get the best of us and just decide to give up on our future. One should conquer its fear not let it take over their entire
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