Free Education in Canada

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Canadians Should be Provided Free Education Dylan Kanji FYSM Political Science Professor Mira. Sucharov Free Education in Canada Canadians view education as the key to success in life. Often one will assume “that anyone can get ahead if they do well at school” (Gaskell, 1991). Schools and employers encourage young people to stay in school so they can avoid unemployment, receive better jobs, and earn higher education. Higher education contributes to the success of the country and also increases the job prospect for well-educated citizens. Employers often look for workers who have higher communication skills and technological literacy. Post-secondary education is great for ones credentials but comes at an extremely high cost, which the average citizen struggles to afford. The term “free university” refers to higher education, which neither parents nor students pay. If education was free in Canada the contributions that go to paying for schooling could be invested in our economy, therefore increasing economic growth. Also higher education creates a system of discrimination against rich or poor income families. Immigrants often come into Canada to seek a better life. Most of these people want to go to school but simply cannot afford it. If one cannot afford an education they are forced to go into workforce, making minimum wages rather than receiving an education that could help make our economy prosperous. Sweden, Germany and Cuba are a few countries that offer free university. Canadian citizens should be given free education in order to allow all members of society to reach their highest potential. This will contribute to the development of the students, the economy and society. It is common knowledge that higher education leads to a better standard of life. It can provide higher-paying jobs to contribute to our economy and society. An educated person
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