Frederick Douglass Paragraph Reflection

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[pic] Frederick Douglass Paragraph Writing Category (35%) 18 points Paragraph prompt: What is Douglass’s purpose in writing this narrative, and does he achieve this purpose? Find examples 3 quotations from the text to prove that he does or does not achieve his purpose; one of these quotations should be the examination of a figure of speech (metaphor, simile, etc.) and how that contributes to his purpose. Also consider looking at Douglass’s style and tone, including his objectivity and restraint in describing painful incidents. Respond in a paragraph that: 1. Has a clear topic sentence (2 points) 2. Has embedded evidence (3+ quotations) that prove your opinion (6 points, if each is well-chosen) 3. Has an explanation of how the evidence proves what you say in your topic sentence (6 points, if…show more content…
Find examples 3 quotations from the text to prove that he does or does not achieve his purpose; one of these quotations should be the examination of a figure of speech (metaphor, simile, etc.) and how that contributes to his purpose. Also consider looking at Douglass’s style and tone, including his objectivity and restraint in describing painful incidents. Respond in a paragraph that: 1. Has a clear topic sentence (2 points) 2. Has embedded evidence (3+ quotations) that prove your opinion (6 points, if each is well-chosen) 3. Has an explanation of how the evidence proves what you say in your topic sentence (6 points, if quotation is explained well) 4. Ideas well organized and transition well to one another (2 points) 5. Spelling, Grammar (2 points) Info6 – Determine an author’s point of view or purpose in a text in which the rhetoric is particularly effective, analyzing how style and content contribute to the power, persuasiveness, or beauty of a

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