Frankenstein And Brave New World Analysis

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In both books, “Frankenstein” and “Brave New World”, the authors, Shelley and Huxley portray the idea of manmade creation in two very different ways; yet, they share some of the same core aspects: the unnatural creation of life and attitudes towards birth. Both authors have shown that creation by mankind is a disaster that is full of flaws and is immoral. Shelley shows how Frankenstein’s erroneous attempt to create life, caused regret and depression to both himself and the monster. The monster’s statement: “Cursed, Cursed creator! Why did I live, why in that instant, did I not extinguish the spark of existence you had so wantonly bestowed. ” Shelley used alliteration to emphasize the hatred towards Frankenstein from the monster by saying…show more content…
The power of a human being is not enough to create a life, yet Frankenstein attempted to create life, causing misery and depression for the monster. The monster also feels cut off from humanity “The human senses are insurmountable barriers to our union.” “Insurmountable barriers” is a metaphor describing the human senses. The monster sees the human senses as a barrier between him and Frankenstein due to his hideous appearance. This shows the hatred towards not only towards Frankenstein, but also the whole human race since everyone is horrified by the monster’s appearance. This caused the monster to feel hatred: “if I cannot inspire love I will cause fear, and chiefly towards you my archenemy, because my creator, do I swear inextinguishable hatred.” There is a use of contrast in this quote: love vs. fear, bringing out the message that the monster has experienced discrimination and all the love in him was taken away, and to be replaced by hatred. This again is because of the creator’s lack of ability; he…show more content…
Bringing out the message that humans can’t do what God can, and if humans try to create life, they create a disgusting disaster instead. The moment Frankenstein finished the monster and brought it to life, he was filled with intense revulsion, he said, “The beauty of the dream vanished, and breathless horror and disgust filled my heart.” Shelley used the contrast and metaphor to emphasis how disgusting the monster was: “beauty of the dream” contrasting with “breathless horror”. Also, Shelley used metaphor to describe how ridiculous Frankenstein’s thought is: she described Frankenstein’s ambition as a dream, a beautiful dream, but no matter how nice the dream is, it will never be reality. Frankenstein tried to create the superior race, but all he got was a hideous monster that he hates and fears. Not only Frankenstein or other people detested the hideous appearance of the monster, even the monster itself hated its own appearance: “Accursed creator! Why did you form a monster so hideous that even you turn away from me in disgust?” The first phrase, an exclamation “Accursed Creator!” showed the ultimate hatred from the monster towards Frankenstein. The reason the monster hated Frankenstein so much was because he didn’t know why was he created, was it just for fun, an entertainment for Frankenstein? One will of a man and the monster was created with such detestable appearance and pain for him to suffer. This also
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