Food Of Joy

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Eating in versus Eating out I am focusing on the difference between the quality of food prepared from scratch and everything being fresh versus buying everything prepackaged or eating out. I am a Chef so naturally I am for cooking from scratch and at home, but many people may not know that home cooking has many perks to it. It helps families save money, it saves times, it helps with controlling salt and trans fat intake, it helps avoid food borne diseases, also helps with better energy and family bonding. Now in the 21st century, people all around the world are busy. Busy with work, school, sports, and other extra-curricular activities. And along with being so busy, no one ever has time to cook, so families are always going out to eat, or ordering out. They either go to a fast food restaurant or to a fine dining restaurant such as the Olive Garden. But after awhile, eating out everyday can be very expensive. And dining out is not the same as enjoying a nice home-cooked meal. They both are good options but they compare and differ when it comes to the quality and variety of food and the atmosphere. Perhaps the most vital distinction between eating at home and eating out is the quality of the food and the variety of it. At home you can actually sit down, and accordingly plan a well-detailed meal, and it does not take too much time to actually plan a meal. By taking the time out to plan your meal, your food can be just as good as anything made at any restaurant. Nowadays you can’t be too safe at restaurants, with the increasingly high rate of obesity in America and the continued health rise health issues like high cholestorol, diabetes, and fluctuating blood sugar levels. One in five Americans have High Blood Pressure, 23 million Americans have Diabetes, 12 million Americans have High Cholesterol ( WebMd 2011). Many of these are caused whether you eat at home

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