Food Intake Goal Worksheet Essay

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Name _______________________________________________ Date ___________________ Determining Daily Energy and Macronutrient Intake Goals Worksheet Estimating Daily Energy Requirements If your weight is stable, your current daily energy intake is the number of calories you need to consume to maintain your weight at your current activity level. You can determine the number of calories you consume on a particular day by keeping a careful and complete record of everything you eat and then totaling the number of calories in all the foods and beverages you consumed. This calculation can be done by hand, by using a nutrition analysis software program, or by using one of several Web sites that perform this type of analysis; for example, go to: * and click on MyPyramid Tracker. * People often underestimate the size of their food portions, and so energy goals based on estimates of current calorie intake from food records can be inaccurate. You can also estimate your daily energy needs using the following formulas. To use the appropriate formula for your gender, you’ll need to plug in the following: • Age (in years) • Weight (in pounds) • Height (in inches) • Physical activity coefficient (PA) from the table below; to help estimate your physical activity…show more content…
You can allocate your total daily calories among the three classes of macronutrients to suit your preferences; just make sure that the three percentage values you select total 100% and that your values fall within the Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Ranges (AMDRs) set by the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Academies. For example, you may choose targets of 15% of total daily calories from protein, 35% from fat, and 50% from carbohydrate. Fill in your percentage goals in the chart

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