Fluid Dynamics

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You will need a partner for the following activity. Print this page. Once completed, send the chart to your instructor. Submit the date you sent the assignment to your instructor as assignment 05.05. 1. Before beginning, rate how you think your walking form is: 1=poor, 2=fair, 3= good. 2. Explain and demonstrate good walking form to a partner. 3. The partner watches you walk about 30 meters. 4. Partner evaluates your form. 5. You respond to the questions at the bottom. 6. Submit the check sheet to your instructor in the Assessment area. Please include your First and Last Name. Name: Kiera pollus | Your Rating | Partner's Rating of You | erect posture | 3 | 3 | fully exhale | 3 | 3 | chin up | 3 | 3 |…show more content…
What motion should your stride begin with? Your abdominal muscles 2. How do you think neck strain can be avoided? Taking frequent breaks and doing stretches will relieve neck tension. 3. Which directions should your arms swing? Should swing from forward to backwards hung down below ur sides while walking. 4. On which of the above do you need to work? shoulders pressed toward waist What can result if a tight fist is made while walking? Making a tight fist will create tension in the hands, arms, and
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