Florida Panthers

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Florida Panthers The Florida panther is a highly endangered type of cougar (Puma concolor) that survives in the low pinelands, palm forests, and swamps of southern Florida in the United States. These animals are currently only occupying five percent of their historic range. Today there are about eighty to one hundred living panthers. There are many biological issues concerning the Florida panther that include: habitat loss and fragmentation, automobile accidents, territorial disputes among panthers, inbreeding, and disease. A major concern to non scientists is the danger to domestic animals and livestock. The panthers have reportedly been killing goats, sheep, llamas, and dogs. Many individuals also feel the endangered animal needs help because…show more content…
Because Florida panthers exist in one population, there is no way of prevention for disease to spread through the panther species. The inbreeding of the panthers also plays a role in immune responses, causing panthers to become vulnerable to disease. “Bacterial, viral, and parasitic diseases that affect panthers include: feline calicivirus; feline panleukopenia virus and feline viral rhinotracheitis (common domestic cat respiratory diseases); feline enteric coronavirus/feline infectious peritonitis; feline immunodeficiency virus/puma lentivirus; feline leukemia; rabies; pseudorabies; Bartonella henselae; Toxoplasma…show more content…
Participants can contribute in numerous ways through funding and making the environment for panthers hospitable. An example of a program one can join to help these cats is the Florida Panther Protection Program. This program was established to further protect and manage the Florida panther in Southwest Florida and to help the recovery of this endangered species. “The contiguous range of panther habitat will be identified for protection, and a fund for conservation measures such as acquiring, restoring, buffering and enhancing habitat and installing panther crossings and fencing will be created.” Programs like this invite anyone to contribute to keeping this endangered Florida panther alive and existing. Our ecosystem functions at its best when all animals are a part, including the Florida panther. By being an active supporter of foundations that want to help wildlife, residents and participants can help funds needed for research and help Florida's wildlife managers to better protect natural habitats. It will help to better wildlife populations, and to show our society of ways they can contribute to help preserve Florida's important natural resources and heritage. Individual donations also help to provide service to better the program’s goals and objectives. Other ways to help the Florida panthers include the following: express support for the panther by writing to political

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