Flat Earth Theory

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The purpose of this lab was to disprove the Flat Theory and find solid evidence supporting the round earth theory. The flat earth theory has to be proven from data that anyone can collect and in the state of Utah. We are disproving the flat earth theory by measuring the angle between the North Star and, the horizon one in relation to the observers distance from the North Pole. Our independent variable is the distance from the North Pole and our dependent variable is the angle between the horizon line and polar. The flat earth theory describes the earth as being a floating disk with another disk above us that contains stars, planets, and the moon and is constantly rotating. It describes the disk with stars to be “not super far” unlike the round earth theory that makes stars like polar several light years away Round Earth model Flat Earth Model Our experiment consists of measuring the angle of Polaris and the horizon line in different places in Utah with a sextant. We then graphed the information to find the relationship to the equations that each theory has. My hypothesis is that the round earth theory will have an inverse and linear relationship and the flat earth theory will have an inverse and non-linear relationship. We can see this to disprove the flat earth theory. Finding the round earth theory equation Fact: the equator is about 6,215 miles away from the North Pole. Fact: When you are at the North Pole the angle to the Polaris is 90 degree. Finding the flat earth theory equation Fact: Salt Lake City is 3,401 miles from the North Pole. Fact: the Polaris altitude angle is 40.75 in SLC, Utah. City Distance South of SLC (Miles) Distance South of North Pole (Miles) Polaris altitude (degrees) Logan -68 3333

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