Flag Burning Research Paper

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Running Head: FLAG BURNING IS A PROTECTED RIGHT Flag Burning is a Protected Right by: Lawrence Williams HIS 303 – The American Constitution Professor: Mohamad A Khatibloo The United States flag is one of the nation’s most widely recognized symbols. Is it possible for a person to be prosecuted [The passive voice is a form of "be" and a participle (prosecuted). Over-use of the passive voice can make paragraphs tedious to read and officious. Try to use the active voice most often, e.g., the student completed the paper on time. The passive voice version: The paper was completed on time by the student. Note how often the passive voice appears in your paper] for explicitly burning the American flag in a political protest?…show more content…
The questions have come together due to the fact that [Wordiness: Although "due to" is an acceptable synonym for "because," avoid "due to the fact that" in academic writing. Use "because"] the United States flag is a major symbol to the United States of America. All over the country and world, the flag is shown great [Clearer writing suggestion: "great" is an overworked word, too frequently seen, and too vague: Webster has so many meanings for it (huge, superior, numerous, and more), you risk misinterpretation (besides "much," a "great deal" can mean an excellent transaction). Use a better, more specific modifier] appreciative by singing our [Use "we," "us," or "our" to mean yourself and coauthors, not general humanity (or yourself and the reader)] National Anthem before games and boys and girls saying the Pledge of Allegiance at schools. Many people have come to their opinion about the burning of the flag. But no matter how one looks at this situation of the burning of the United States flag, we still have to realize that everyone is entitled [Passive voice] to their [Pronoun agreement: Check the sentence--if "their" refers to "everyone" (or a singular subject), it should be singular, too (his or her)] own opinion of how they [Pronoun agreement: Check the sentence--if "they" refers to "everyone" (or a singular subject), it should be singular, too (he or she) and perhaps require adjusting the following verb] feel. Yes, having the right to free speech is very high to some people but when there are laws and a constitution [If this refers to the United States Constitution, capitalize it, whether or not it is preceded by "the U.S."] to abide by we have to learn what is the right or wrong thing to say. When a person is just that angry with the world where they[Place comma before this word if this is the end
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