First Impressions Essay

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First Impressions In business as in social situations first impressions are very crucial. In business giving a bad first impression can be detrimental to your company. It can cause you to lose the confidence of your customers, employees and clients; it can also cost you future business. First impressions are so important because the impression you give at the onset sets the tone for any future relationship and it also shows that you are a professional. It is not difficult to set a good impression; it just takes some time and practice. It only takes a few seconds for someone to form an opinion of you in the initial meeting because in this short time the other person forms an opinion about you based on appearance, your body language, your demeanor and how you are dressed. With every new encounter you have with someone you will be evaluated and these first impressions are very hard to be reversed. The following guidelines that I plan to write about if done correctly will help you form a positive first impression and help you avoid many of the common pit falls that sometimes people make as it relations to making a good impression. In the competitive business world of today it is imperative that one conduct him or herself in a proper business manner so that their first impression will be an advantage not a disadvantage because it is a cut throat climate in today’s business world. Again below are many guidelines that will help if one desires to make a good first impression and make you stand out from the competition. Practice each of these and you will be amazed at the positive response you will receive from other people. We all have to be very careful when we when meet someone for the first time and when you get down to it most of these guidelines that one needs to follow is basically common sense and really isn’t that difficult. So practice these guidelines and you will
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