Female Juvenile Delinquents

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Female Juvenile Delinquents Female Juvenile Delinquents AIU Online English Comp. 1 10/14/2011 AIU Online English Comp. 1 10/14/2011 By: Angela Snyder All juvenile delinquents are different. They all have their own problems and each one has different needs. They need to be treated with just as much respect as the others their age do. By: Angela Snyder All juvenile delinquents are different. They all have their own problems and each one has different needs. They need to be treated with just as much respect as the others their age do. B B Abstract This paper is about juvenile delinquents and why children may have become one. It is about how it’s not always their fault. How if the crime is harsh enough that they might be tried as adults. It’s also about the seriousness of the crimes and how if tried as adults if they should be sentenced as adults, too. Juvenile delinquents are defined as trouble makers, thugs, gangsters etc. But what people don’t know is why they are like this. Juvenile delinquents don’t always act out just because; they may have things in their past or present that they are trying to avoid. The things in the past or present they are trying to avoid may be more traumatic than us as adults see it. No matter how bad or good their life is kids or teens still have problems they face. Teens and kids deal with problems differently than adults do, they may face their problems with anger or violence and this is why they become delinquents. All juvenile delinquents are different. They all have their own problems and each one has different needs. They need to be treated with just as much respect as the others their age do. Juvenile delinquents are usually under the age of 18 and have committed crimes that they cannot be tried as adults. However if the crime is harsh enough the judge will determine if they are
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