Fear And Phobia

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Introduction to Psychology February 2, 2011 Fear and Phobia Fear is a natural part of our everyday life -- an emotion we feel whenever we feel threaten which can appear in many different shapes and forms. Past traumas that individuals experienced are an important factor that causes the emotion of fear. Our emotions are possibly the most challenging of all our biological components, because the difficultly we have trying to grasp and control it. Fear is information we store in our brains and therefore the things that we are afraid of -- are the things we have learned throughout our lives. An extreme fear of a specific object or situation is called a “phobia.” An individual who has a phobia is worried that this specific object or situation will cause a considerable amount of interference in his or her daily life. The causes of specific phobias are complicated and more than likely involved a history of negative experiences in the feared situation that included psychological and biological factors. Direct Learning Experiences: Specific phobias can begin right after a traumatic experience. For example, someone who was bitten by a dog may develop a fear of dogs, or someone who was involved in a car accident might develop a fear of driving. Observational Learning Experiences: Individuals who watches others show signs of fear in a particular situation can also show signs of fear for that same situation. For example, watching someone almost drown can lead to fear of water or swimming. Informational Learning: Learning to fear a particular object or situation, hearing or reading that the object or situation is dangerous. For examples, not wanting to fly because you heard about the plane crash on the news, or learning to fear driving by because of the car accidents you read about in the newspaper. Many individuals frequently

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