Fca and Society and Health Essay

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FCA and Society and Health Essay Discuss experiences of health care and the factors that may influence patient satisfaction In this essay I am going to discuss the health care experiences that I have encountered since I have started medical school. This information has been gained through meeting regularly with my allocated patient whom has a chronic disease, patients I have met whilst on GP placement, people I have spoken to whilst conducting my survey and my own experiences. I will also consider factors which influence patient satisfaction. Since October I have been visiting a patient who has experienced a wide range of health care practices since being diagnosed with a chronic disease; dermatomyositis, interstitial lung disease and antisynthetase syndrome. I have chosen to reflect upon and evaluate her most recent NHS experience to illustrate satisfaction levels and influential factors relating to her unique experiences and expectations of the NHS system. Her appointment was for a general check-up and a discussion of the results from the health assessment she had previously, conducted by a nurse. My patient experienced high levels of personal anxiety prior to her appointment. This was attributed to the fact that she realised that her health had declined since Christmas due to a lung infection. The patient acknowledged that her Dr was reassuring in manner and methodically explained the outcome of each of her previous assessments. The most concerning result was that her lung function had reduced from 50% to 34%, causing her doctor to refer her immediately for another course of cyclophosphamide infusions. Overall she was satisfied with the appointment. She experienced short waiting times, her Dr showed reassurance and he justified reasons for her treatment plan in a clear and knowledgeable communication. She felt his friendly yet professional approach

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