Nursing Reflection

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The following reflection is referring to an episode, which happened during my first week of my practice placement on a medical ward. To reflect upon this event, I am going to use DRISCOLL’S model of reflection, which will support me in reviewing my experience, analyse and evaluate, in order to help make future changes to my practise (Bulman and Schutz, 2008).
The reason why I returned to this incident is because not only it was my first patient to refuse an observation, but also his aggression towards me led to a very challenging act of communication, which had a great impact on my professional skills. A reconstruction of this situation, developed my knowledge and added the meaning to my experience (Rodgers, 2002).
That day my mentor and
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Nurses should deliver care to patients directly in response to their needs and use a variety of comforting strategies. Bob open up, and told me story of his life, I have been actively listening being aware of my body language, relaxed open posture and eye contact (Egan, 2002) .Although I could not comfort him verbally, I felt that my non verbal communication played significant role in delivering effective therapeutic nursing care, which according Arnold and Boggs (1999) is the linchpin between nurse and patient relationship. Peplau (1988) describe nursing therapeutic relationship with a patient as a healing…show more content…
Overall, I am pleased with the outcome of my time with Bob and have learned valuable lessons in the importance of adapting to different forms of communication.
According to Benner (1984) practice has five stages of clinical competence from novice to expert. Although at this stage of my training I felt like a novice, having no experience of communicating in difficult situation, now I feel that I am developing my nursing skills and I am progressing towards to the stage of expert.
Reference list
Arnold, E. and Boggs, K. (1999) Interpersonal relationships: professional communication skills for nurses . 3rd ed. Philadelphia, Pa; London: W.B.Saunders.
Balzer-Riley, J.W. and Riley, J.B. (2004) Communication in nursing. 5th ed. St. Louis, MO; London: Mosby.
Benner, P.E. (1984) From novice to expert: excellence and power in clinical nursing practice. Menlo Park, Calif; London:

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