Fat and Water Soluble Vitamins

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Fat and Water Soluble Vitamins Vitamins are essential nutrients that the human body needs. There are many vitamins essential for everyday living. Vitamins can be classified into two categories. These vitamins within the two categories all have major functions within the body, all have great benefits and well as almost all of them have a downside when too much is taken or if there is a deficiency in amount taken. Vitamins help keep the human body healthy as well as allowing it to function properly. Vitamins are considered an essential nutrient that the body needs because the body cannot produce them. Vitamins enter the body orally to be digested by the body for use. There are many types of vitamins that do certain things for the body. They also have certain solubility that helps classify them into two categories; fat-soluble and water-soluble. Fat-soluble vitamins are able to be stored inside the body upon digestion, while water-soluble vitamins get flushed out of the body through the use of urine (Live Strong, 2012). Fat-soluble vitamins are found most commonly in an every diet eaten by the human body. For this reason, people are usually not required to take daily supplements to make up for any deficiencies because fat-soluble vitamins are stored in the body. There are four vitamins that fall under the fat-soluble category; Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, and Vitamin K. All have their own functions, benefits, and negative side effects when not consumed in moderation. Vitamin A helps with bone growth, tooth development, cell division, and gene expression. Dry, rough skin, decreased resistance to illness can happen with deficiency levels, while dry, itchy skin, headaches, loss of appetite, and severe birth defects can happen if too much vitamin A is consumed. Vitamin D helps with the hardening of bones and teeth as well as helps to
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