Essay About Love Of My Life

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As a little girl growing up, I would often sit down and watch princess movies in which each princess falls in love and everything turns out perfectly. They meet their prince charming and live happily ever after. They never have any arguments or any faults or heart aches in these movies. And I thought that was how love was supposed to happen and so did other children who grew up thinking that love was going to be this easy in real life. Our parents however, forget to mention that life isn’t a fairytale and things are much more difficult in life. I remember the first time I met the “love of my life.” I thought he was the greatest guy in the world, and I knew right away I was going to spend the rest of my life with him. One of the things that I noticed…show more content…
I met my husband on October 16, 2010 and we became a couple on October 21, 2010. I then married my prince charming September 16, 2011 and every day my life since October 16, 2010 has been so very amazing. He has taken care of me and my every need and sill does till this day. There are so many girls that are not blessed to have a husband, boyfriend, or fiancée that are gentlemen and that want to take care of them no matter what. There are so many guys these days that do not want to work because they are to lazy and want to sit at home, watch television , do illegal things all day while the women goes to work, and works her butt off just to take care of her family and to keep her home together. My husband works and supports our family and it is not an easy job either, he is a coalminer and works nightshift which leads to him sleeping all day. With him sleeping all day and me going to school and working sometimes that then comes between us seeing each other and it puts us in a very bad mood and that sometimes leads to those little arguments that the fairytales leave out come into
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