Faith Community Visit

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Jack McNeal Mr. Weckerly REL 2300 27 September, 2012 Faith Community Experience For my faith community visit I attended a Catholic mass with my grandmother. I was raised in a non-denominational house hold, so this experience was very new to me. I decided my grandmother would be the best to go with because she has been a catholic all her life. She has always asked me to go to a mass with her, and I decided since I needed to write a paper on my experience of attending worship other than my own that this would be the perfect opportunity. I always get made fun of because I never know what to do or say during prayer before eating a meal when I go to my grandparents’ house. After my visit though I think I will feel more comfortable. The architecture of the building was very unique. It was very large and had a gothic style feel to it with a large bell tower on the front. The building was designed so that the altar was the focal point placed at the far end of the church. For the altar is the most holy furnishing in every Catholic Church. Along the walls of the church were confessional booths. A confession booth is where you go to sit and tell a priest your sins and ask for forgiveness. Throughout the whole church, there were many statues of different saints. On the feast days of the saints their statues are adorned with flowers or candles. In the main sanctuary there were large stained glassed panes of different scenes from the bible. Once we were inside the church, we went to a small dish or, font, of Holy water. This is Holy Water that is blessed during the Easter celebrations and is used throughout the year for baptisms, priestly blessings and for Catholics to bless themselves when they enter and leave church. She said some people will take some of the water home and use it in a small dish in the entry to their home. My grandmother explained that you dip a

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