Exploratory Essay's Argument Against Euthanasia

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What Euthanasia is and isn't In a war of ideologies, the first casualties are the definitions of the terms used. Euphemisms abound when people resort to deceit in attempting to convince others. For example, in the language of the day, administering a lethal injection becomes "aid in dying." (And how can you be against giving "aid" to someone who is terminally ill?) What is generally meant by the term euthanasia is mercy killing - the deliberate ending of a person's life to reduce their suffering. More commonly used today, however, is the phrase the "right to die." These are noble sounding words that literally mean that someone can request that a doctor kill him. In the terminology battle, the proponents of euthanasia are seeking to redefine what is now known as a form of homicide and call it acceptable medical practice. The debate is very much an ethical one. Natural death, which results from illness or degenerative processes, is the antithesis of mercy killing. Even when life could be prolonged by medical treatment and is not, the death that may ensue is a death from the underlying illness, not a result of the withdrawal of care. The withholding of medical therapy is reasonable when the…show more content…
Being created by God, we are stewards of our lives rather than owners. Created to be like God, our lives have an eternal purpose; set apart for, and owned by God. Since we are created in the image of God, our lives have intrinsic and immeasurable value. This is the source of the "sanctity of life" concept. Because we are created in God's image, people have an inherent and God-given dignity. This is a far cry from the fluctuating self-esteem (based on wealth, abilities, etc.) that is mistaken for dignity by
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