Explain Why Some Cultures And Cultural Landscapes

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Explain why some cultures and cultural landscapes are more vulnerable and threatened than others? Culture means the quality in a person or society that arises from a concern for what is regarded as excellent in arts, letters, manners, scholarly pursuits, the behaviours and beliefs characteristic of a particular social, ethnic, or age group. Cultural landscapes have been defined by the World Heritage Committee as distinct geographical areas or properties uniquely representing the combined work of nature and of man Vulnerable and threatened means the thing in question is capable of or susceptible to being wounded, hurt or destroyed and at risk of becoming endangered. Minority cultures are more threatened and dominant cultures aren’t for example the Penan tribe compared to the United States of America. The nomadic hunter-gatherers, Penan are one of the last such groups in south East Asia. Out of the 10,000 Penan living in the Malaysian state of Sarawak, Borneo, only 20 nomadic people are left. Its been estimated that at least 70% of Sarawak’s primary forest has been licensed for logging and in some places there have been two or three logging passes in the last twenty five years. The Penan tribe is not protected because there is thought to be too much wealth in the forest such as wood and mining and food and the government is poor so they need all the wealth they can get and they don’t see much point in looking after one small tribe when it is better to look after the whole country first. The Penan tribe is a threatened culture due to deforestisation and globalization because their culture is being ‘brought’ by logging companies trading them new technology for land and local knowledge. Technology is altering their way of life and since 1930 the tribes have been gaining technology from tarpaulin roof to shotguns which means that their traditional bush

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