Explain Why Positive Relationships with Children and Young People Are Important and How These Are Built and Maintained

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CU1522 - Explain why positive relationships with children and young people are important and how these are built and maintained. Positive relationships with children are important as they help the child to become a more positive person and make them feel safe and secure. These are built and maintained by working closely with them on a daily basis taking the time to listen to them and be a positive role model, by setting boundaries and challenging negative behaviour but also more importantly praising positive behaviour. CU1522 1.1 Below is a case study about Aimee Aimee is 15 years old. Her parents have recently divorced and she is missing her dad. She finds it hard to talk about the situation at home to her friends. She attends a youth club on Monday and Friday evenings. Pete, the youth leader, has noticed that she has changed quite a lot in the last few weeks. She seems moody and does not want to be involved with the activities. Aimee is also not speaking to any friends at the youth club. Pete asks her if she would lend him a hand sorting out the snacks and drinks. She agrees. He is hoping that by talking generally about other things, he might find out what is upsetting her. 1. I believe it is important that Aimee finds someone to talk to as getting her feelings out she will be less likely to become depressed and self-harm, but she should not be forced to talk. I believe it is important that Aimee finds someone to talk to as getting her feelings out she will be less likely to become depressed and self-harm, but she should not be forced to talk. Do you think that it is important that Aimee finds someone to talk to? If so why do think this? 2. Do you think that Pete handled the situation well? If so list why Yes I believe he has handled it well as he has approached the situation with care and spoke about general things not the

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