Explain Why Guns Should Not Be Regulated By The Government

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Guns don’t kill people! People kill people! If this statement is truthful as Abraham Lincoln himself, why is the U.S. Government trying to bring the sales and purchasing of firearms to a screeching halt? There are many different types and styles but there are some generalities about them. “Firearms (guns) are generally classified into three broad types: (1) handguns, (2) Rifles and (3) shotguns,” (justfacts.com). Firearms are used in many efficient ways such as hunting and other sports. Guns are a great tool used for wounding and killing animals and they date back to the middle ages mainly used by the Royal English Military to defeat pirates on there quest to take over their navy. Guns should not be regulated by the government because unregulated gun ownership will reduce the chances of criminals intruding on our day to day lives, outdoor sports could continue to flourish, and the Constitution says we have the right to bare arms. Statistics show that when the British Government in…show more content…
There will never be a world with no violence, but guns do there part to contain it. There are only bad things that can come from gun regulation; it can ruin American lives, it can take American lives, and it goes against what our founding fathers thought should be a long lasting American law. Guns have been around for hundreds of years and the technology will keep improving and the fugitives as well as the criminals will continue having guns no matter what kind of law is implemented. We might as well have the ability to protect ourselves and our families from them. As Adolf Hitler once said, "This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration! Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future," (Greenwood, John). Look how that worked out for
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