Explain The Importance Of Legislation Relating To Moving And Moving

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Legislation that relates to moving and positioning Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 (amended 2002) Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998. These regulations concern the moving of objects within the activities carried out at work. This includes any type of physical movement such as: Pulling Pushing Lowering Lifting. The employer is expected to avoid the need for manual lifting, wherever this is possible. A risk assessment should be carried out, efforts made to minimise the risk of injury and the need for equipment identified. All care staff should be fully trained to move and handle and use equipment safely. This will reduce the risk of injury to staff, individuals and others. In addition, these regulations include numerical guidelines to help determine when assessment is required. No statement is given as a limit below which handling may be considered safe.…show more content…
Moving and handling activities may be conducted manually or using equipment and may be used to lift, move or handle: Other items Materials People. Within the individual’s care plan there should be a moving and positioning risk assessment which must be completed. A care plan may be known by other names (e.g. support plan; individual plan). It is the document where day to day requirements and preferences for care and support are detailed. Using the individuals care plan is essential to ensure that you are able to follow and implement the plan giving care in an effective and consistent way. This will ensure that the individual’s needs are fully met. In addition, the care plan should be used to review the individual’s condition and capabilities and the interventions planned. This will evaluate whether interventions are effective and identify any changes which need to be

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