Explain How To Know The Signs Of Abuse

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abuse! know the signs and what to do - 1 – Introduction Everyone has the right to a life free from abuse, regardless of gender, disability, age, cultural background or religion. This booklet will define what is meant by abuse, how to recognise the signs and symptoms of abuse, ways to prevent abuse and what to do if you suspect abuse. Abuse is a violation of a persons Human and civil rights and can take many forms. Types of abuse - Physical - Psychological/Emotional - Financial/Material - Neglect/Institutional - Sexual - Medication - Discriminatory Examples and indicators of abuse Physical – Hitting, slapping, scratching, pushing and rough handling, assault and battery, restraining without justifiable cause, deprivation of food, clothing, warmth and health care. Misuse of Medication is also placed in this category.…show more content…
Psychological/Emotional – Emotional and verbal abuse, humiliation and ridicule, threats of punishment, abandonment and intimidation, isolation and exclusion, and failure to provide access to services. Signs of Psychological and emotional abuse may include a sudden onset of depression, withdrawal and low self-esteme, becoming fearlful, unhappy and tearful. Any change in character or habits and not being able to explain the reason are possible indicators of abuse and must be taken seriously and
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