Explain How Principles of Support Are Applied to Ensure That Individuals Are Cared for in Health and Social Care Practice

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Assessing knowledge and awareness of sexually transmitted infections among school-going adolescents Dissertation For the academic grade of Doctor Public Health Dr. P.H. Submitted by Florence Samkange-Zeeb University of Bremen Faculty of Human and Health Sciences March 2013 Defended on: 21st August, 2013 1. Reviewer: Prof. Dr. med. R. Mikolajczyk 2. Reviewer: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. G. Glaeske Dedication This dissertation is dedicated to my beloved late parents; first and foremost to my dad, Don Davidson Thompson Samkange, who told all his children that education is the most important asset in life. To my mother, Lillian Boniswa Samkange, whose love and blessings guided and accompanied me throughout my life, and to my step-mother Wilma Florence Samkange, who played an important role in my life. To God be the Glory! Acknowledgements: I would like to thank all those who contributed towards the completion of this doctoral dissertation. Firstly, I express my gratitude to my employer, the Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology BIPS, for giving me the opportunity to conduct the school-based survey which was central for this dissertation. Secondly, I remain deeply indebted to my former colleague, Lena Spallek, whose support during the planning stages of the survey was invaluable. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank my colleagues, Beate Schütte, Svea Eichholz, Sinja Ernst, Stefanie Helmer, Kathi Liegmann, Natalya Makarova, Anna Muschalek, Julia Nürnberg, Saskia Pöttgen and Sandra Wegeng for their support during the conduction of the survey in the schools. I furthermore thank the following schools in which we conducted the survey for their co-operation: Gesamtschule Mitte Bremen, OS an der Schaumburger Str., OS Am Leibnizplatz, OS Findorff, SZ an der Lehmhorster Str., SZ Am Rübekamp II, Lloyd Gymnasium and

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