Sample APA Personal Statement

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“People, tend to dwell on the past. I like to dwell on the future. After all, that is where I will be spending the rest of my life.” ~ Leslie Fieger Education, knowledge, family and faith are the driving force of my life. I feel that I am an excellent candidate for the Texas A&M University in Central Texas cohort program dedicated to preparing teachers to become tomorrow’s principals. I am attracted to the opportunity of maintaining my ability to work professionally as a Secondary Science Teacher in the local community and to continue my own knowledge in the field of Master of Arts in Education with a Principal certification. I believe that my continued educational and professional background in science and secondary education will be highly appropriate for the long term goal of becoming a grade school principal. It will also help in the grooming of our youth into highly productive members of their societies who are able to utilize their own skills in today’s fast paced living. I seek to become an accomplished and supportive leader by playing a significant community role by positively…show more content…
As a teacher you groom and mold your students always teaching them new criteria they need to know for their future. That is why as an educator I want to continue my own enlightenment by obtaining a Master’s degree. By becoming a principal it enables me to become a lifelong learner by observing great teachers, support disenfranchised students by being the constant figure at the school as kids move from class to class or from district to district but most of all I would get the opportunity to watch the students grow over their entire school grade career, not only physically but mentally and

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