Explain and Comment on Mary Warren’s View on Abortion That Fetus Is a Human Being but Not a Person.

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Explain and comment on Mary Warren’s view on abortion that fetus is a human being but not a person. Mary Warren’s Personhood Theory In Mary Ann Warren’s point of view, fetus is a human but not a person. We oppose and hold different points with Mary Warren’s. During pregnancy period, we should better focus on the pregnant woman as well but not simply the fetus. We have to concern future of “potential person” and the present people. In the aspect of biological and genetic sense highlighted that human being is a member of species Homo sapiens. Genetically, a fetus conceived by human parents that the reason why fetus specific a human being. In addition, Mary Ann Warren emphasized ‘Person’ is a conscious and rational being and have moral sense. All moral agents are member of moral community and possess rights. However, embryos, fetuses, babies and the people who are brain-damaged or very old are not defined as moral person. In respect of whether fetuses can be said to be persons, Mary Ann Warren proposed five criteria. The first one is external or internal consciousness of objects and events to the being and in specific the capability to feel pain. The second is reasoning, it means the advanced capability to solve complicated problems. The third is self-motivated activity which is comparatively autonomous of either genetic or direct exterior control. The fourth is the capability to communicate with other, by whatever means, and not only with an indistinct quantity of potential contents, but on open-endedly possible subject matter. The last on is the presence of self-concepts and self-awareness, whichever individual, racial or mutually. Mary Ann Warren indicated that at least some of these criteria are essential, if not adequate criteria for personhood. She also disputed that fetuses don't come across any of these criteria, for that reason fetuses cannot

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