Exercise 16: Organization Of Nervous System

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Week # 3 Exercise 16 A. Organization of Nervous System 1. Receptors 2. Afferent 3. Peripheral 4. Motor 5. Efferent 6. Effectors B. Nervous Tissue Cells 1. Schwann cells 2. Satellite cells 3. Astrocytes 4. Oligodendrocytes 5. Microglia 6. Ependymal 7. Oligodendrocytes 8. Schwann cells 9. Satellite cells 10. Astrocytes 11. Neuron 12. Ependymal 13. Microglia C. Structural Classification of Neurons 1. Multipolar 2. Biopolar 3. Unipolar 4. Bipolar D. Functional Classification of Neurons 1. Motor efferent 2. Interneuron 3. Motor 4. Interneuron 5. Sensory 6. Interneuron E. Myelination of Axons and Gray and White Matter 1. White Matter 2. Gray Matter 3. Myelinated fibers 4. Unmyelinated fibers…show more content…
4 B. Nervous Tissue and Diseases 9. Multiple Sclerosis - oligodendrocytes are targeted with this disease. The cause progressive destruction of the myelin sheaths. 10. Epillepsy cause recurring short circuits of the motor and sensory neurons. C. Overview of Communication within the Nervous System. 1. #1 Graded potential starts in the sensory receptors in the skin 2. #5 A synapse in the thalamus creates a graded potential followed by an action potential in the secondary interneuron, Which reaches the cerebral cortex 3. #2 The graded potential triggers an action potential in a sensory neuron 4. #8 the lower motor neuron forms a neuromuscular synapse with the hand muscles, which causes the muscles to contract as he writes the letter 5. #7 In another synapse the neurotransmitter creates a graded potential which triggers an action potential in the lower motor neuron 6. #4 A primary interneuron forms an action potential and crosses to the opposite side of the brain. 7. #6 A stimulus from the Brain causes a graded potential and then an action potential to form in an upper motor neuron 8. #3 At a synapse a presynaptic sensory neuron stimulates the postsynaptic interneuron to form a graded potential in its cell

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