Examples Of The Deadly Sins In The Crucible

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Erika Williams Petersen AP English III/ Period 6 13 November 2012 Avarice and Vengeance Throughout The Crucible the characters began to illustrate some of the deadly sins. Out of all the deadly sins the ones they were portraying were greed, vengeance, and avarice. Thomas Putnam, John Proctor, Abigail Williams, and Reverend Parris were some of the main characters illustrating the different aspects of the deadly sins. The characters each had a moment throughout the play where some of the deadly sins were being acted out upon. Thomas Putnam became a person full of greed and he became very demanding. Thomas was a person who wanted everything his way. Now look you, sir, let you string out against the devil, and the village will bless you for it! Come down, speak to them-pray with them. They’re thirsting for your word, Mister! Surely you’ll pray…show more content…
He isn’t viewed as a very uplifting person throughout the town of Salem. Parris believed he was the best at what he does. In Act I Parris is standing over his daughter Betty’s bed. The reader seems to think that Parris is feeling uneasy because of his daughter’s condition although it is because of how he will look to the town. “There is a faction that is sworn to drive me from my pulpit. Do you understand that?” (11) Parris seems to be only interested in trying to keep Betty’s condition silent. Parris shows an illustration to be avarice because he wants the perks of being the Reverend to the church in Salem. Betty’s well-being seems to only derive from Tituba. In Salem the Seven Deadly Sins were a part of their townspeople everyday life it seems. In the society God is seen as the most powerful being since God is so powerful the people of Salem follow the Christian religion very closely and do not questions Gods ways. Even if they do believe strongly in the Christian they still had room to abuse

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