Examples Of Observation Toddlers

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As I entered the area designated for observing the toddlers, I was able to notice that the majority of the toys were very inclusive. It was twelve thirty at the time and there was only three children so I had a relatively easy time choosing the subjects. From what I heard two of the children were related, therefore I chose two unrelated children. I chose running sampling because to me it seemed like the most efficient way to capture the most vivid detail about the children. In the first five minutes I simply observed the children and the environment they are in. As you walk in, towards your right is a small gate that leads you to a secluded area where the children spend most of their time surrounded by a combination of adult and childlike…show more content…
This rectangular equipment didn't really seem like a toy but it did entertain the child. Ricardo ran his left index finger across the edge. After a minute he returned to where his cylinder toy was and began banging it against that surface. One of the adults acted surprised as if she had caught him doing something het wasn't supposed to and Ricardo let out a loud laughter. At this point, the adults where smiling and engaging with the children. It seemed as if the emotions of the children were correlated to the emotions of the adult. Their behavior with the adults was different from the behavior when they were alone. They made much more eye contact, they tried communicating verbally through small seperated phrases, they laughed and smiled more. Another thing that caught my attention is that even though their speech wasn't fully developed, the children attempted to communicate with the adults numerous times. Towards the end of my observation the parents had arrived. Ricardo and Dalila both reacted similar to when the caregivers gave them attention. Ricardo for example dropped a book he had when he heard his mother's voice. He dropped the toy and crawled rapidly towards the mother. Ricardo then sat on her lap and just stared at the

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