Examples Of Masculinity In Macbeth

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Macbeth meets three witches who prophesied and told him that he would be the thane of Cawdor, and Thane of Cawdor and as the future king of Scotland, "All hail Macbeth thou shalt be king hereafter!" and banquo's sons would be king but he wouldn’t. He believes that the witches’ prophecies will come true. He writes a letter to he’s wife lady Macbeth in which he mentions his meeting with the witches. In this scene, Lady Macbeth comes across as a brutal, power-hungry, cunning, and physically powerful woman. There is evidence of this in her famous speech which she recites, whilst alone, before her husband’s arrival. The use of exclamation marks in the noun phrases highlights Lady Macbeth’s violent character and her power hungry nature, ‘direst…show more content…
Lady Macbeth is the opposite of the stereotypical woman, as she shows signs of masculinity and possesses supposed characteristics of men, such as physical strength and determination.When Lady Macbeth says ‘unsex me here’ this shows that she is aware of the fact that she is a vicious woman and wishes she was a man in order to perform the evil act of murder herself. She knows her husband is incapable to commit the sin due to his lack of masculinity she describes him in the following words ‘is too fall o’ the milk of human nature’ and express how she plans to "chastise him with the valour of her tongue" to fulfill her ambition. She also expresses that ‘i may pour my spirits in thine ear’ this is so that Macbeth doesn’t pass up his desire of being king. The two different contexts have moulded the directors' interpretations of the text of Macbeth. Roman Polanski's version appeared in 1971 in a time of hippies, free love and retaliation to the world's war. It was influenced by Polanski's own recent encounter with violence as his wife, Sharon Tate, was brutally killed by a crazed cult. McKellar's production was screened in the 1980s when intimacy was far more public. Both works are dramatic representations of the text. However, each director has privileged techniques which differentiate their

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