Examples Of Dineris Observation

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Date of Observation: May 23, 20014 Student Observer: Samaris Negron Child Name: Dineris Rodriguez Age: 12 Time Started: 8:00 am Ended: 8:30 am PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: She has eyes and Brown hair, their skin color is white, she is thin and wears short pants with pink Nike shirt and sneakers pink and black. PEOPLE PRESENT: The Teacher Ms. Stacy and the Teacher Aids in the classroom. #1. Dineris appears to be very friendly, happy temperament. She smile when she sees the teacher and her classmates, and like very much interact with the roommates, but especially with Rachel. Dineris is laughed in the classroom, she likes magazines and play with puzzles for about 5-10 minutes. The details during this observation, she shows interact and play without any conflict. These 20 minutes she was all the time smiling in the classroom with every one. Dineris is fast and she can move from one side to another. Dineris is in Especial Education and she is in Teams Program. Deneris is very sensitive to other people's feelings. #2.…show more content…
From the observation today, She likes activities that have movement. She love to go GYM class with her friend and theacher. Dineris enjoys jumping on the trampoline, riding the adaptive tricycle, dancing, kicking the ball and she like to participates in cooking activities with her friend's. She takes in school Occupational Therapy 1x30 minutes, Speech-Language 2x30 minutes, Behavior/Social Skills, Physical Therapy 1x30 minutes, Adapted Physical Education and Vision. Dineris used her vision to track people in the room and located preferred items, she is interested in obtaining things and she needs constant reminders to maintain her visual attention on work related activities through completion. During this observation, she was very active and

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