Examples Of Criminal Justice Trends

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Criminal Justice Trends Paper To aid in the future progress of corrections are being developed as a result of past and current trends. The issues and concerns surrounding the corrections component of the criminal justice system are overcrowded prisons and their decreasing budget. If these issues and concerns are not address, they will definitely disrupt the effectiveness and future operations of corrections. Restorative and community justice programs are options being considered for the future of corrections as administrators, legislators, and activists debate philosophies to address these issues and concerns resulting from past and current trends. In the past, the national political climate favored the get tougher approach against crime…show more content…
One of the current issues and concerns concerning the corrections component of the criminal justice system is the increased correctional population that has become severely overcrowded. Prisons being overcrowded can cause many problems. One of several major concerns overcrowded prisons has presented is limited space to house offenders. Offenders have the right to have a certain amount of space while serving time in prison. Not possessing the required amount has led to legal issues. Overcrowded prisons have also caused stress among offenders and staff. Research was conducted back in 2006 that proved that increase prison populations had a negative mental effect on inmates (Prison Overcrowding is a Growing Concern in the U.S, n.d.). This causes stressful situations between officers and offenders, which often leads to inappropriate reactions between both increasing the risk of violence jeopardizing the safety of staff. The staff’s safety is jeopardized because of being out numbered in the offender to officer ratio. During fiscal year 2000 the inmate population had increased to 9.8 inmates to each correctional officer and in 2005 the inmate population was 10.9 inmates for every correctional officer. By 2011 the inmate population decreased to 10.2 which was only a 0.7 decrease (James, 2013). The ratio of offenders to officers is important because it can cause the…show more content…
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