Examples Of American Stereotypes

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An American Prejudice: Colombians as Drug Dealers There are different stereotypes around the world, people judge a whole nation only based on the behavior of a couple of its habitants. Drug trafficking became predominant around the end of the 1950’s and the beginning of the 1960’s Colombians being a key group on this business, and as time passed more Colombians were getting arrested due to drugs possession. Therefore, Americans have created a prejudice: Colombians as drug dealers and in order to change this perspective of Americans about Colombians, Colombians themselves should work together and educate some Americans that think this way. There is a way to keep this prejudice from spreading to other American citizens, by educating Americans about the Colombian culture. I would expose this stereotype by presenting the problem and its causes, the prejudice and how it affects Colombians; the counterarguments, is it offensive or not to Americans. In the United States, when an American establishes a conversation with a Colombian Citizen, one of the most common subjects is Drugs since there has been a stereotype on how Colombians tend to be a “synonym” of drug dealers. Pablo Escobar, considered the “World’s Arango 2 Greatest Outlaw,” is a perfect representation of how a Colombian looks like in the American eyes. “Pablo…show more content…
Officials said the coordinated drug bust extended to 10 of Colombia's 31 states, called departments, and also involved traffickers in neighboring Venezuela. It was an international organization dedicated to drug trafficking along the Colombia-Venezuela-US corridor”(Yahoo, paragraph 1) This represents evidence of how media is constantly illustrating the type of news which contributes to the negative image Americans create on their mind when thinking of Colombians and by doing this the prejudice they have among themselves is never going to

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